Thankful for you!

By Jesse Feld on November 23, 2021 in Uncategorized,

Thankful for you!

The leaves have almost all fallen from the trees, the air has chilled, and ready or not, we are rapidly approaching the end of 2021. Over the next week we will have seen Thanksgiving come and go, and be right in the middle of Hanukkah.

Before you know it, the latkes and sufganiyot will be eaten, and we’ll be cleaning the wax off of our favorite hanukkiah, or menorah, after getting to see it shine brighter and brighter throughout the holiday.

While Thanksgiving is obviously not a Jewish holiday, the concept of giving thanks, and having gratitude, is deeply ingrained into the fabric of our community. This is most eloquently pointed out in the writings of the late Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks z”l, when he penned the following:

“Jewish prayer is an ongoing seminar in gratitude. Birkot ha-Shachar, ‘the Dawn Blessings’ said at the start of morning prayers each day, form a litany of thanksgiving for life itself: for the human body, the physical world, land to stand on and eyes to see with. The first words we say each morning – Modeh/Modah ani, “I thank you” – mean that we begin each day by giving thanks.”​​​​​​​

To move from Thanksgiving, a time of distinct gratitude, right into Hanukkah, poses a special opportunity for our Jewish community. As you know, the story of Hanukkah celebrates our strength, and ability to be Jewish freely. The combination of understanding your power, while being grounded with what you are most thankful for, can lead to tremendous action.

Perhaps this time of introspection has shed light on what you’d like your legacy to be, and how you will be remembered within our community. You could have decided it’s time to create a donor advised fund, to support the needs of our community today. Or maybe you’d even like to establish an endowment fund today, to see the fruits of your labor during your lifetime.

It is our job here at the Richmond Jewish Foundation to support you as you put your plans to action. We are here to champion your efforts and help you attain your philanthropic goals.

Of course, this time of year is one of introspection for us as well. Going into the season, there are a couple of things we know for certain; we know that we are here to sustain vibrant Jewish life here in Richmond, and we know that we are thankful to you, our donors and community members, for making the vision a reality.

Please, do not hesitate to reach out to me by calling (804) 545-8656, or by emailing

Jesse Feld